The 10th Rossdales Foal Care Course will follow the same successful format as previous courses with lectures and case discussions.
The programme has been designed by Emily Haggett, Rossdales Partner and specialist foal care clinician. Speakers will include internationally recognised foal care experts Peter Morresey (Rood & Riddle, Kentucky, USA), Jamie Kopper (Washington State University, USA) and Mathijs Theelen (Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands) together with 7 speakers with specialist expertise from the UK.
The course is designed to provide practical advice for first opinion veterinary clinicians in addition to more detailed discussions for those involved with hospital-based foal care. It will be of value for all veterinary clinicians and nurses who wish to increase their knowledge of equine foetal problems in utero and conditions affecting the equine neonate. The 2020 course programme is focused on the younger foal.
Key learning objectives:
- Improve knowledge of equine foetal problems in utero, including ultrasound and ECG and monitoring and treatment of late pregnant mare to maintain foetal health
- Improve knowledge of resuscitation and evaluation of the equine neonate
- Increase knowledge of equine neonatal maladjustment syndrome and seizure control
- Increase knowledge of sepsis, septic arthritis, use of antimicrobials and endocrine dysfunction in foal care
- Improve knowledge of use of fluid therapy and foal supportive care
- Increase knowledge of diagnosis of foal renal disease and uroperitoneum
- Increase knowledge of evaluation and treatment of foal diarrhoea and colic and enteral and parenteral nutrition
- Improve knowledge of foal respiratory disease
- Improve knowledge of foal analgesia and pain assessment
- Gain up-to-date information on corrective farriery, flexural and contractural deformities in foals
The content will be helpful for those who are planning to take RCVS Certificate of Advanced Veterinary Practice (Equine Practice), B-EP.3 Equine practice; C-E.2 Equine general medicine; C-E.9 Mare reproduction and breeding management; C-E.11 Care and management of the foal and yearling, stud farm management, herd health; C-E.15, C-E.16, C-E.17 Basic equine practice, 1, 11, 111. The course will also be useful for those studying for an ECEIM or ACVIM Diploma in Internal Medicine.
Delegates attending this course may claim continuing education accreditation:
- RCVS members: 21 hours
- Veterinary Council of Ireland: 19 CVE credits